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Introduction- Environment Protection Society


Written by Mustafa Mir

Climate Change, pollution, and greenhouse effect, how many times have you heard these words? And, how often did you do anything about it? I personally felt that environmental advocacy is an area that is lacking in TNS, for which there should be a platform for students sharing common ideologies towards environment protection to come together and work for the betterment of the planet. So, me, (Mustafa Mir), and Momin Mustafa from Dp 1 started this society as a club, for this purpose.


When does this club happen: Our society happens every Tuesday, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.


What did we do: So in the short period of time we operated in, we managed to raise awareness on environmental issues amongst students of various age groups, from grades 6-dp1. In this club, we frequently discussed amongst ourselves these problems. In response to these environmental hazards, we used recycled materials to create every day objects such as shovels and birdhouses, with the intention of not letting used paper, plastic, and other substances go to waste. We also created paintings and poems, due to my firm belief in the importance of arts in advocating for such issues. We proceeded to post some of the works of our students on the TNS rise up and write website as a platform to raise awareness. Unfortunately, due to the terrible Covid19 pandemic, we were unable to fulfill our desired goal. We thoroughly planned a tree plantation, which would involve planting hundreds of trees, and to gather funds for that we even planned a bake sale; however, the lockdown started the week in which our bake sale was to be conducted.


The future of our society: Myself and Momin, the presidents of our society, will indeed continue our society in our final year of this school, for we do have a lot of unfinished business. Once the lockdown ends and the school opens, we will, in a short period of time, conduct our bake sale and indeed do our long-awaited tree plantation, amongst other great plans.


Some of the works by our society members:



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