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TNS Rise Up And Write

Written by Hasan Ahmad

At the dawn of this fateful reality we call quarantine, I along with a handful of DP1 students started an ambitious initiative.

Since the first brick was laid at TNS Gulberg before 2007, our students have sported talent across the creative spectrum. Creative writers, visual artists and critical thinkers, these students have always had vast potential but lacked a student-led project to tap into this potential.

Our initiative, Rise up and Write, aims to do just that, by establishing TNS’s first student-led online magazine that showcases the exceptional work of our very own students. With sections across non-literary writing, advocacy articles, short stories, artwork and creative expression that allows students to reflect on the ongoing pandemic, Rise up and Write was founded with the following mission statement at its launch on the 20th of April:

Since its inception, TNS has produced critical thinkers from across the creative spectrum. Highly talented in creative writing, critical analysis, and artistic expression, these students have been devoid of a platform to showcase, publish and share their IB-honed skills. Until now. The first student-driven magazine for TNS Beaconhouse, Rise up and Write is an initiative, launched by students from DP1 with a vision to parallel the very best in modern-day journalism.

As one of our first projects, we had the incredible privilege of hosting a leader in the field of creative writing, award winning and best-selling author Mohsin Hamid. The session went excellently, with two sessions for writers from Years 9-12 and editors from our editorial team.

As the organization grows to new heights, the editorial team hopes for as many quality works submitted as possible. The link is

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