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Science Society Announcement

Written By Zoya Mughal


For my CAS project, my class-fellow and I have collaborated together to create TNS’s first ever Science society. President of the society: Zoya Mughal and Vice president of the society: Hassan Dawood.


Why? We believe that it is important to give the students a platform where they can share a common interest in science. Thus, we created this society so that students with similar interests can come and work together.


What are the main aims of the society? As part of the society, students will be managing our own science events like ‘Sciberfest’ (TNS’s first ever interschool event, my second CAS initiative and TNS’s first ever science fair.) This group of people will be competing in science events happening in other schools and will also be hands on working on a science E-Newsletter.


What is the science club? Students from Grade 7 till DP can join. In this month-long club, we as the facilitators, will be giving the students a variety of science related exposures that they do not get in their everyday lessons, pushing them out of their comfort zone and making them better IB learners.


These students will not only be managing/ participating in science events and compiling an E-newsletter but also do fun scientific experiments, take part in hands-on activities and scientific debates during this month.

It is starting from the 19th Feb, and will continue onward until 19th March. It will be conducted every Wednesday from 3-4pm in F-18.

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